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微型水泵(micro pump)、微型水泵(micro pump)

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Desun Technology Development Company Limited.
We are a company that specializes in efficient power supplies and brushless dc motor pumps. Our pumps are designed for long life and high efficiency and performs with low noise, no sparks and little vibration with stable speed. We have exported our products to Western Europe, North America, South America, South AsiaAustralia as well as domestic Chinese market.
Our quality assurance backed-up with certificates from CE, FC, SGS, ISO FDA, UL, CSA, GS, TUV, FCC, LVD, EMC, SAA, PES, SEMKO, DEMKO, CCC and RoHS Directives, gives us the confidence to provide your company competitive pumps and power supplies for your products and projects.
Strong technology support such as design and research, high quality product management and after-sales service are our main investment in the business. We believe that through “Hard work and Honesty” we can provide satisfaction and to our customers and gain their cooperation. As a well known Chinese expr... [詳細介紹]
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